Last Day on Earth: Survival Wiki

Our home base is 18*17 leaving us 306Sqf but we all have a truck in the bottom of the map -20sqf and is =8chest. with this we have a total of 286sqf of usable floor space. i hope this helps anyone planning out a horde proof castle as i am. 

Base math

Basic map


Naked =6 damg

full set of basic DAD gear = 150 hits =600 total Damg 1 zombie roamer = 4 damg 

Test used 30 carrot stews 

shirt only = 5 Damg pants only = 5 Damg Hat only = 5 Damg

Hat + pants = 4 Damg Hat + Shirt = 4 Damg Pant+ Shirt = 4 Damg

shoes do not apply any bonus stats with any set piece 

Building path index

Grass -G- Cloth -C- Rope -R-

Sneakers 2-G- 1-C- 2-R-

Cargo Pants 3-G- 3-C- 2-R-

Shirt 3-G- 3-C- -X-

Dads Hat 2-G- 1-C- -X-

Most optimized building is  Dads Hat + Shirt total 5-G- + 4 -C-

