- “A small piece of cloth. Can be sewn together with another clothing item”
- – In-game description
"A small piece of cloth. Can be sewn together with another clothing item"
Piece of Cloth is a common drop found on dead zombies alongside Ropes. It can also be found on AI-Players as random loot drop.
By killing enemies:
- Farming zones
- Motel
- Crooked Creek Farm
- Basements
- Destroyed convoy
- Rest Stop
- Airdrop
- Port Sewer
In the zones:
- Farming zones
- Motel
- Storages at Crooked Creek Farm
- Raiding NPC Survivor Bases of raiders
- Bunker Alfa storages floor 1
- Blackport PD in cells
- Rations
- AI Survivor on Farming zones.
In-Game Shop's Pack for stash making
- In a Sewing Table:
- 2 Plant Fiber -> 1 Piece of Cloth @ 2 minutes
Piece of Cloth is used in the following Blueprints:
- Shower
- Rain Catcher
- Bandages
- Dad Hat
- Shirt
- Cargo Pants
- Sneakers
- Beanie
- Wiring
- SWAT Helmet
- SWAT Body Armor
- SWAT Trousers
Multiplayer Recipes:
Piece of Cloth is used in the following Recipes at Workstations