Last Day on Earth: Survival Wiki
Last Day on Earth: Survival Wiki


The Laboratory was introduced in Beta v.1.17.11

In order to gain access to the Laboratory the player needs to progress through the Survivor's Path and achieve a level requirement, once this is achieved a mission led by Eva will be conducted infiltrating the lab and clearing the Main floor of zombies, this unlocks the Laboratory permanently.

The Laboratory has a reset timer of 48 hours after it is entered*.

*Note: Port Sewer & The Laboratory share the same timer.

Main floor[]

The main floor consists of 6 rooms: The Lobby, Storage room, Bio Reactor, Seaweed Farm, Cafeteria, and the Showers.

On one wall of the Storage Room there are 4 storage containers, A, B, A+ and B+, these containers can be opened with their specified key cards.

Sitting on the benches in the storage room is Eva, beside her, the Repository, where you can level up your Lab Reputation with the Employee Badge, Hard Drive and the Data Disk.

Inside the Bio reactor room, there is also a terminal to activate the buildings Security Protocol, the Hard Mode of the Laboratory, a mode in which all zombies have armour and only Genesis issued weapons can penetrate the armour.

*Note : The laboratory hard mode is only available for activation once the Normal Mode Sector B2 boss, Blight MK VII has been beaten.

Moreover, the Bio Reactor room contains the Perks and Threats Console, this console allows players to increase odds for extremely rare perks and disable zombie threats.

Inside of the Seaweed farm consists of the Farm itself that needs to be built and requires 6 Air Filters, 2 Heat Sensors, 20 Wires, 10 catalysts, 6 Hi-Tech Components, 40 Rope, 10 light bulbs, 20 Cement, 6 Energy cells, and 2 pumps. There is also a Modifications Table in the Seaweed farm as well.

Special Items[]

There are multiple unique items obtainable in the Genesis Laboratory, they are the following :

The Bio-Reactor[]

The Bio-Reactor serves as the main power source of the Laboratory and is located just past the main entrance to the laboratory.

In order to gain access to any sectors of the Lab, the Bio reactor need to have at least 1 charge. Powering the reactor requires organic resources, which include : Seaweed, Plant Fibers, Carrots, Seeds, Edible Mushrooms, Corn Seeds, Corn, Berries and Sprouts.

Lab biomaterials

*Note : 400 ⚡ is needed to give the Bio Reactor 1 charge.


The player may upgrade the Bio Reactor to gain access to more charges, as well as gain a Chip slot in the Chips and Threats Console :

  • Level 1 Bio Reactor : 1 Charge and 1 Chip slot. (Base reactor)
  • Level 2 Bio Reactor : 2 Charges and 2 Chip slots.
  • Level 3 Bio Reactor : 3 Charges and 3 Chip slots.
  • Level 4 Bio Reactor : 4 Charges and 4 Chips slots. (Currently Unobtainable)

To see the upgrade requirements for the Bio Reactor visit the page below :

- Bioreactor

Chips and Threats Console[]

Located bust beside the Bio Reactor, the Chips and Threats Console can be used once any Laboratory Reputation has been obtained, and will use Chips gained by leveling Eva's Reputation. The console allows the player to use their obtained Chips to affect the odds of Perks, or disable Zombie Threats added throughout the Laboratory.

Positive Chips will greatly increase the odds of obtaining the specified perk listed on the Chip.

Threat Chips will eliminate the Zombie Buff listed on the Chip from appearing throughout the Laboratory.

Up to a maximum of 3 Chips can currently be used at the same time in the Chips and Threats Console to provide different effects throughout the Laboratory.

Perks and Threats Console

Seaweed Farm[]

The seaweed farm is positioned on the east side of the main floor. The seaweed farm produces seaweed when built at the rate of 1 Catalyst into 2 Seaweed in 1 Hour, the farm is powered by Energy Cells.

Seaweed Farm Recipe

Seaweed Farm Processing

Second floor Sectors[]

Sector A1[]

Sector A1 is a greenhouse compartment with trees, spores and zombies such as : Spore runner, Screamer, Scientist, Spore spreader, Acid Melter, Shambler, Slasher Apart from the monsters mentioned above the sector consists of several packed traps. The Necrotic Hybrid mini-boss is inside of a room midway this sector.

*Note : If the Threat effect of 'Uninvited' has been applied to the laboratory, the Awakener can spawn outside of the Necrotic Hybrid room.

Sector A2[]

Sector A2 is a Technical compartment with zombies such as : Spore runner, Screamer, Scientist, Spore spreader, Acid Melter, Toxic Spewer, Slasher, and Juggernaut . Apart from the monsters mentioned above the sector consists of a electricity trap. At the end of the sector you have to fight the Carrion VII boss.

Sector B1[]

Sector B2 is a cryogenic laboratory. Stay close to heat sources or wear warm clothing to prevent freezing. The sector is filled with zombies such as : Frozen Giant, Frozen Bloater, Numb Zombie, Toxic Spewer, Screamer, Scientist, Spore spreader, Spore runner, Acid Melter,Slasher (Bunker Bravo), and Juggernaut. Apart from the monsters mentioned above the sector consists of multiple traps that blow cold air to freeze the player. Around the half way through the floor, inside of another room there is the Icebreaker, who can only be fought in hard mode.

Sector B2[]

Sector B2 is continuing the cryogenic laboratory. The sector is filled with zombies such as : Frozen Giant, Frozen Bloater, Numb Zombie, Toxic Spewer, Screamer, Scientist, Spore spreader, Spore runner, Acid Melter, Shambler,Slasher (Bunker Bravo),Juggernaut and Exploder. In the final room of this sector is the Final Boss, the Blight MK VII.

*Note : If the Threat effect of 'Uninvited' has been applied to the laboratory, one Corrupted CEO can spawn throughout the floor.

Laboratory Bosses Drops:

Sector A1: Necrotic hybrid drops : 3-5 Key card A, 3-5 Catalyst and 2-3 Big Bones

Sector A2: Carrion MK VII drops : 3-5 Key card A , 3-5 Fragments of titanium armor suit , 1 Energy cell, 2-3 Hydraulic parts and 1 Flight Controller

Sector B1: Icebreaker drops: 4-5 Key card B, 1-2 Catalyst, 1-2 Acid, 1-2 Air Filter, 3 Big Bones, 1 Gas Cylinder,

Sector B2: Blight MK VII drops: 4-5 Key card B, 4-5 Fragments of titanium armor suit, 2-3 Hydraulic parts, 1 Energy cell, 1 cog, 2-3 Factory Parts,1 Flight Controller and 1 Employee Badge.

*Note : on Hard mode, Key card drops will be converted to their hard mode versions, and bosses will drop a few hard mode Lab Reputation items.

**Note : Upon beating Blight MK VII, you will unlock the Janitor and gain access to the hard mode terminal in the Bio Reactor room.

Floor 3[]

Inside of floor 3 is a Janitor who wants you to use the Trolley, but the Trolley needs Processors to be completed so its unavailable.

On the "Subway" tracks there is a subway train on the opposite tracks of the Trolley, with zombies crawling out from under of the subway train.


The port laboratory event introduces some changes once it occurs, allowing the player to do more damage with a specified weapon and obtain 10 Carbon Composites and 10 Factory Parts combined throughout all sectors of the Lab from killing zombies.

Laboratory event

Map of Floor 2 and Drop tables[]

Sector A1

Sector A1 Drops

Sector A2

Sector A2 Drops

Sector B1

Sector B1 Drops

Sector B2

Sector B2 Drops

Key :[]

  • Yellow - Zombie with Loot
  • Black - Zombie without Loot
  • White - Possible first chest location
  • Orange - Possible second chest location
  • Green - Pass perk room
  • Red - Boss room


There are three kinds of perks in the lab. Standard perks available from the very beginning, upgraded standard perks, and rare perks. Upgraded standard perks and rare perks are earned by improving your Lab reputation. (Not all perks have upgraded versions)

Unless noted otherwise, Perks do NOT work on Bosses!

Standard Perks and Upgrades[]

  • Enemy melee attacks can miss you (actually in most cases it *will* miss)
Air Cleaner
  • Zombies will no longer come out of ventilation shafts (Sectors B1 and B2)
  • Removes 3 (Parasites/Toxic Spitters) per sector
All In
  • Immunity to all negative effects, but body won't be saved after dying.
  • Immune to bleed effects and all traps (including A2 boss room), NOT stun and turrets
  • You no longer get hungry or thirsty in the lab
  • Upgrade: Also no longer becoming smelly
Closed valve
  • Shuts down the influx of spores in the sector (A1 + gas trap in Sector B2)
  • Reduces enemies health in the sector by 15%. Doesn't work on bosses
  • Upgrade: Reduces enemies health in the sector by 25%. Doesn't work on bosses
Emergency Button
  • Disables all the traps in the entire lab
  • Enemies with less than 15% of health take 1.5 times damage from firearms
  • Upgrade: Enemies with less than 25% of health take 1.75 times damage from firearms
  • Enemies deal 15% less damage with melee hits (doesn't work with bosses)
  • Upgrade: Enemies deal 15% less damage with melee hits (Does work with bosses)
Friend or Foe
  • Enemies ignore you until you start attacking or get too close to them
  • Upgrade: sometimes allows you to attack zombies without alerting other nearby zombies
  • You can use weapon active skill more often (Half cool-down)
  • Upgrade: Active weapon skills can be used twice within 30 seconds
Heat Wave
  • Turns off cooling system in the sector (B1/B2 Ice Traps)
Iron Head
  • Immunity to stun effects
Jagged wounds
  • Every third attack with an edged weapon causes the target to bleed for 10 seconds (5 damage per second, total of 50 dmg, does NOT work in Hard Mode!)
  • Upgrade: Every third attack with an edged weapon causes the target to bleed heavily for 10 seconds (10 damage per second, total of 100 dmg, does NOT work in Hard Mode!)
Killer Instinct
  • The first hit with an edged weapon in stealth mode (sneak attack) makes the target bleed for 10 seconds (does NOT work in Hard Mode!)
  • Upgrade: Sneak attack makes the target bleed strong for 10 seconds (10 dmg per second, total of 100 dmg, ignoring armor)
Last Stand
  • When your health is below 20%, your damage dealt increases by 15%
  • Upgrade: When your health is below 30%, your damage dealt increases by 15%
Lights out
  • Cuts the electricity in the sector(A2)
New Rules
  • Deactivates all the traps in the lab and deals damage to all nearby enemies
  • Upgrade: Deals GREAT damage to all nearby enemies
  • Allows access to 1 secure room per sector, containing an extra box of standard loot
  • Upgrade: Loots inside are increased
  • Zombies heal effectiveness is cut in half. Doesn't work on bosses
  • Upgrade: Zombies can not heal
  • You restore 20 health by killing an enemy
  • Upgrade: You restore 40 health by killing an enemy
  • Opens access to the labs wall-mounted devices that restore your health
  • Upgrade: Also removes negative effects like bleeding or biohazard
Second Chance
  • When your health drops below 5%, you can heal to 50% by killing an enemy
  • Upgrade: When your health drops below 10%, you can completely restore it by killing an enemy
Short Circuit
  • Turns off laser sensors (B2, gas trap and turrets)
  • When the sprint ability is active the amount of incoming melee damage is reduced by 90%
  • Upgrade: The cooldown of the ability is also shorter
Strong Immune System
  • Immunity to disease effects (it only affects the spore traps in Sector A1; all zombie attacks including Spore spreaders are unaffected)
  • Your attacker takes retaliatory damage equivalent to your armor for every successful attack (reduced to 1 damage on hard mode)
  • You can't lose more than 30% of your maximum health from a melee hit
  • Upgrade: You can't lose more than 25% of your maximum health from a melee hit
  • The first hit with a blunt weapon now stuns the target for 5 seconds. You have to be in stealth mode
  • Upgrade: Increases stun duration to 15 seconds
Well Fed
  • When hunger and thirst are both above 90, gain 10% boost to all damage
  • Upgrade: When hunger and thirst are both above 80, gain 15% boost to all damage

Rare Perks[]

  • One area in each sector will have all of it's zombies killed, 2-4 usually
Advanced Medicine
  • Once applied, medical supplies remain active for 10 seconds
  • Using a med kit will heal 100 then heal 10 every second for 10 seconds
Extra clip

The last shot from firearms has a 30%* chance to restore 11%* of the weapons durability

Giant killer
  • You take less damage in a boss fight. If you are hit by a boss, your damage increases for 20 seconds
  • Bosses attacks do 15% less damage and when you get hit you deal 15% more damage for 20 seconds
  • With every NEW sector, your damage dealt and efficiency of medical supplies will increase by 3%(up to a maximum of 12%)
Toxic Avenger
  • A rare monster appears in either sector B1 or B2 (often B2) appearing from holes in the wall
  • Drops some Key-Card B and other minor items and has 575 health
  • E.g 6 B+ cards, 4 CD/60Rep and 3 medkits in hardmode
Action Hero
  • Your firearms won't miss anymore


With every start of the Lab four threats are randomly chosen and one will activate for each sector the player enters, giving the zombies different buffs and effects.

Some threats can be avoided using the Chip and Perk terminal near the bioreactor on the Main floor.

  • When regular enemies' health drops below 30%, their damage increases by 100%
  • Enemies' damage is increased by 15%
  • Boss health is increased by 40%
Thick Skin
Thick Skin
  • Enemies take 50% less damage from melee
  • Enemies' damage increased by 0.5% for every missing percent of their health
  • Enemies' attacks restore 10-25 of their health points
  • Enemies can avoid fatal damage and restore 10% of health
  • Enemies' armor is increased by 15%
  • Enemies' maximum health is increased by 15%
Sixth Sense
  • Enemies will notice you even in stealth mode
New Dangers
  • New types of enemies appear in the sector (E.g Awakener A1)


Hologram decoration can be obtained on your first run of Laboratory, kill Necrotic Hybrid boss in Sector A1, without dying once even with a reanimator. [needs verification for the current version]

New sectors and perks added in Beta v.1.18.3

Two new bosses added in Beta v.1.18.3

Some perks revised in Beta v.1.18.3

Three new types of key cards and storages introduced in Beta v.1.18.3

A new enemy type introduced in Beta v.1.18.3
