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The Forlorn Fair is a temporary event on the Global Map that only appears when the developers want it to.

It has mechanics similar to the Bunker Alfa Specialist and other events.

Upon entering, resets in 22 hours.


The Forlorn Fair works similarly to the Bunker Alfa Specialist and crate system. You kill zombies and partake in events which yields items that you can turn in to the fair NPC William for a Fair Coupon. You can hand in this coupon to Nigel who will allow you to access the prize stand. These rewards gradually increase in quality as you progress through the event.

There are 3 levels of the fair; Restoration, Preparation, and Grand Opening. Each one has their own unique enemies and minigames with all good rewards. At the max level of each section the player is given a large storage unit of either junk, electronics, or fuel. Each one can only be found at the fair and are very unique.


Reputation meter for Restoration

Fair Weapons[]

Fair weapons can be made at the fair weapon stand pairing a Metal Pipe, Glock 17, M16, AK47, or a FN SCAR with 4 Confetti for the pipe and 3 Confetti for the rest. Fair weapons grant fair points when used on a enemy which depends on the damage done. The ratio to damage is 1:2. For example, as the pipe does 26 damage, the game will give the player 13 fair points. However, if the enemy per chance 8 HP left, then the game will grant the player 4 fair points. Fair points are increased at Port Sewer, Port Laboratory, Bunker Bravo, Blackport PD, and Crooked Creek Farm.

Fair weapons also have a unique effect when used. The pipe will leave a pink trail behind when used. The rest of the weapons will instead of having a muzzle flash will have a colorful puff of smoke come out instead. After killing an enemy with this weapon they will just instantly ragdoll.

Restoration Rewards

Restoration reward list

Restoration rewards[]


Preparation reward list

Preparation rewards[]

Screenshot 2024-10-15 194451

Grand Opening reward list

Grand Opening rewards[]


Each level all contain several different minigame in which the player can participate for reputation. These will reset after the entire fair resets.
