- “Light, flexible and durable material”
- – In-game description
"Light, flexible and durable material"
- Crafting on Fiberglass workbench at Port

- Sunken box
- Fiberglass is also obtainable from Gas Station through the slot machine when you hit jackpot and get three silver caps.
The Fiberglass is required to crafting the following Blueprints:
Finalize the following Blueprints:
- Motorboat
- No longer needed to finalize theMinivan in the Settlement
- Drone and Docking Station
It is also used to repair:
Assemble a Box of rare materials on Packing table at Port during the Season 13
- 1 Empty box of rare materials + 3 Oak Plank + 2 Copper Bar + 2 Fiberglass = 1 Box of rare materials
- Introduced in Beta v.1.17.6