Following text is from developers when releasing the update:
There's a new location in the game - Crooked Creek Farm. The location is constantly on the map and update once in a couple of days. In order to get to the Farm, you have to assemble a bridge over an infected stream. Don't worry, you won't need turning machineries from electronics circuits. Planks, metal and something pretty simple will be enough.
Good old raiders will keep your company at a country disco as well as new enemies: infected bulls, farmer zombies and their leader - Ravager. Get ready, there's going to be a fight at dances.
The further into the woods, the more attractive rewards become. When strolling through the new location, make sure to find a special box with a heavy lock - there's something interesting hidden in it. You'll have to cut the lock there with the bench, don't take it home with you!
When you attempt to saw the lock open on the chest, a horde of zombies will break out of the barn right of the saw. 2 other zombies will appear south to try and attack you. If you managed to successfully defend it, then you will be rewarded with half a full chest of good loot.
Chance of gas tank drop in the bunker increased again. Now you can call for luck and get the tank on the Farm as well!
Crooked Creek Farm is a permanent location on the Global Map.
Crooked Creek Farm resets 48 hours after it is entered, similar to Bunker Alfa.
The farm consists of the crossing, 4 fenced plots, house and stable.
Note: Location available from level 15
The size of the map is 850 units by 500 units.
(OUTDATED) Before you may enter the Farm for the first time, you have to build the Crossing. This is required only once.
- 20 Iron Bar
- 40 Common Plank
- 20 Stone Brick
- 20 Rope
- 40 Scrap Metal
- 1 Hammer
Update: The bridge in the Crooked Creek Farm doesn't need any requirements (No need for materials to fix the bridge) and is already repaired. Thus, the player can directly focus on other things rather than fixing the bridge.
Behind the crossing are 2 Rotten Yokels. It is advised to carefully lure in and kill the first zombie, then sneak-attack the second zombie.
While seemingly sparse, this area is extremely useful in clearing out the whole farm. By standing behind the crossing (on the same side of the lootable car), slow zombies like Savage Giant and Infected Bulls will eventually lose their attention and return to their original spots, while faster zombies like Rotten Yokels will continue to chase the player. This effectively allows the player to pick off the weaker zombies without having to worry about the heavy-hitters.
This feature will be explained further under the 'Zombie Mechanics' section.
Fenced Plots[]
4 fenced plots make up the majority of the farm. Similar to how Rest Stop and Oak Clearing can have different variations, a random set-piece will appear in each fenced plot:
- Idle Zombies: 2 Rotten Yokels, 2 Savage Giants
- Fighting Zombies (biters): 2 Fast Biters fighting against 2 Rotten Yokels and 2 Savage Giants
- Fighting Zombies (wolves): 2 Diseased Wolfs fighting against 2 Rotten Yokels and 2 Savage Giants
- Raiders: 1 patrolling Raider with another guarding the chest/sack
Some set-piece may not appear at all. For example, you may encounter 3 Idle Zombies and 1 Raiders set-piece.
In addition to the set-pieces, a trio of Rotten Yokels can spawn from one of the several haystacks found in the 2 left plots. These zombies have no armor and they will despawn if the game is closed before they can exit the haystack completely.

'Surprise' zombies guarding the table saw
While approaching the top half of the plots, a pair of raiders or a group of farm zombies may approach the player from the top of the map. Upon leaving and re-entering the farm, the raiders will guard the main entrance to the farm while the zombies will position themselves in front of the table saw facing the main entrance. The zombies will be idle and can be sneak-attacked. It is important for the player to take these 'surprise elements' into account while clearing the farm so as to not accidentally trigger any nearby unaware zombies.
In the bottom right, top left and top right plots, an Infected Bull will patrol on the inner side of the fence.
The Ravager boss will also be patrolling the path between the top 2 plots.
In each plot, there is a chance a lootable sack will spawn (up to 3 at one reset). Also, a puppy (appearing as a green arrow on the radar) is likely to appear in 1 of the plots.
A locked barn can be found at the top right corner of the map. In front of it is a table saw, 2 idle Rotten Yokels and an oak tree. The 2 zombies are far apart enough to be sneak attacked individually without alerting the other, if it dies in a single hit.
To unlock the barn, you'll need to get a key from one of sacks in plots.
In the barn there's a locked chest, a partially built Chopper, and with a chance, a Puppy.
Upon bringing the locked chest to the table saw, a loud screeching noise will be generated. This will draw any surviving zombies to the saw table, in addition to 2 more Rotten Yokels and 1Savage Giant that spawn from outside the screen. Infected Bulls and Rotten Yokels from haystacks will not be attracted to the noise and will still stick to their positions.

A puppy spawning in the house

A really lucky house loot instance
At the top left corner of the map, directly opposite the barn, there is a house with a total of 2 closed doors and 3 lootable storages. There are a Savage Giant and a Rotten Yokel guarding the entrance, with a similar pair behind the second closed door. A melee blueprint can be found in one of the storages, and rarely a puppy can be found sitting in one of the rooms.
The entrance Rotten Yokel can be sneak-attacked from the sides, and the entrance door can be reliably used to 'wall-trick' the zombies inside.
Farm chest[]
Contents 18-21 items:
- Hammer, Shovel
- Common modification blueprint, Rare modification blueprint, Extremely rare modification blueprint
- 1 Engine Part, Signal Amplifier, 5 Spring, 1 Steel Plate
- 1 Engine Part
- 1 Black Paint, 2 Black Paint, 1 Blue Paint, 2 Blue Paint, 1 Green Paint, 2 Green Paint, 1 Red Paint, 2 Red Paint, 1 White Paint, 1 Yellow Paint, 2 Yellow Paint
- 1 Black Paint, 2 Black Paint, 1 Blue Paint, 1 Green Paint, 1 Red Paint, 1 Yellow Paint
- 5 Bandages, 3 First Aid Kit
- 5 Aluminium Bar, 3 Aluminium Wire, 5 Iron Plate
- 1 Batteries, 1 Camera, 1 Expensive Watches, 2 Expensive Watches, 1 Flashlight, 1 Light Bulb, 1 Mobile Phone, 2 Mobile Phone, 1 USB Drive, 1 Wrench, 2 Wrench
- 1 Batteries, 1 Camera, 1 Expensive Watches, 1 Flashlight, 1 Light Bulb, 1 Mobile Phone, 1 USB Drive, 1 Wrench
- 1 Survivor's Notes, 1 Valuable Survivor's Diary
- 5 Canned Food, 1 Beer, 5 Carrot, 5 Jerky, 1 Roasted Turkey, 1 Strong alcohol, (1 Energy Drink Cannot be more looted since Beta v.1.14.3)
- 3 Aluminium Wire, 3 Copper Bar
- 5 Adhesive, 5 Nails, 5 Leather, 5 Thick Fabric
- 3 Ball Bearing, 3 Bolts, 3 Rubber Parts, 3 Transistor, 3 Wiring
- Beanie, Reinforced Beanie, Tactical Cap
- Reinforced Jacket, Reinforced Shirt, Tactical Body Armor, Thick Jacket
- Denim Jeans, Reinforced Jeans, Reinforced Trousers, Tactical Trousers
- Reinforced Boots, Reinforced Sneakers, Tactical Boots, Work Boots
- Cleaver with modifications, Machete with modifications, Metal Pipe with modifications, Scythe, Skull Crusher with modifications
- AK-47, Colt Python, Flare Gun, Glock 17, M16, Mini Uzi, Shotgun

Credits: Doomeris
- Rotten Yokel 80 HP, 2 Armor
- Rotten Yokel 80 HP, hidden inside haystacks.
- Savage Giant 200 HP, 5 Armor
- Infected Bull 300 HP, 10 Armor
- Ravager 500 HP
- Fast Biter 80 HP
- Diseased Wolf 100 HP
- Raider 100 HP, various Armor from 12-24
- Dead Tree x 6 = 18 Common Logs
- Oak Tree x 2 = 4 Oak Logs
- Puppy x 0-4
- Random Chance inside the house
- Random Chance in 1-2 of 4 fenced area
- 1 in the Barn: Random Chance for Barn Opening.
Storage Slots
- Car trunk x 1 = 5 storage slots
- Mailbox x 1 = 5 storage slots
- Burlap bags x 3 = 60 storage slots
- Living room cabinet (inside the house) x 1 = 20 storage slots
- Bedroom cabinet (inside the house) x 2 = 40 storage slots (requires Burglar skill)
- Chopper (inside the barn) x 1 = 10 storage slots
- Farm chest x 1 = 60 storage slots
Zombie Mechanics[]
Unlike zombies in many other locations, the zombies in Crooked Creek Farm has 2 levels of alertness: idle and alert.
- Idle zombies are zombies that behave like normal zombies found in most other locations in that they have a frontal cone of vision. By sneaking behind their cone of vision, it is possible to sneak-attack them for a 3x damage multiplier.
- Alert zombies, on the other hand, cannot be sneak attacked. They will detect any players that try to sneak up behind them, behaving as if the player is smelly. While the detection radius for a sneaking player is smaller than for a smelly player sneaking up on an idle zombie, it is still out of range for all melee weapons. Such heightened alertness makes alert zombies impossible to sneak-attack.
Idle and alert zombies each make up around half of the portion of the zombies in Crooked Creek Farm. Zombies that are 'fighting' one another in the fenced plots are alert. While the cluster of fighting zombies can altogether provide a 360° viewing angle for the whole group, each zombie has no blind spot. This is made evident if the player tries (and fails) to sneak up on the individual Savage Giants after the faster zombies have been killed and the player exits and re-enters the location. On the other hand, the remaining zombies in idle set-pieces, outside the plots and the haystack Rotten Yokel are idle and can be sneak-attacked normally.
All zombies, excluding the boss, retain their current health when the player exits and re-enters the location. Also, the orientation of the zombies will remain as they are last facing when the player exits the location or closes the game. This allows the player to lure idle zombies to face north, close the game, re-enter the location and sneak-attack them repeatedly. This is exceptionally useful for Season 15, where all idle zombies can be killed to upgrade the cargo value without burning through weapon durability.
Other than having varying levels of alertness, Crooked Creek Farm has a unique spot behind the lootable car where the player can hide to lose the attention of slow zombies. By standing behind the car and positioning the car's chest icon between the first and second ring of the radar, any Savage Giants or Infected Bulls, idle or alert, that are following the player will cross the bridge and simply turn around afterwards, provided that the player is far enough. Savage Giants that are 'lost' in this manner will return to their original spots, keeping the same direction they face while returning to said spots. However, such idle giants may not receive the 3x attack multiplier when sneak-attacked. This can be fixed by waiting for them to turn around after crossing the bridge, and exiting and re-entering while they are walking back to the main entrance.
Do note that the other zombies are too fast for the player to get out of their sight for the trick to work. Also, the Savage Giant inside the house is immune to this trick, and will promptly chase the player beyond the car until he/she exits the location. Also, after activating the table saw all surviving zombies other than the Infected Bulls and the zombies inside the house will turn alert and can no longer be sneak-attacked. Said Savage Giants will also chase the player to beyond the bridge.

Corpses of zombies that died to the 'wall-trick'.
Should the player want to kill all the alert zombies in this farm, the main entrance to the farm is a very convenient spot to perform the 'wall-trick'. Even if the player messes up the positioning and the Savage Giants cross the threshold, he/she can simply run to the back of the car to reset the giants to their original spot.
Otherwise, the Savage Giants are slow and the farm is big, sufficient enough for them to be herded together in a bunch and lured far away. The player can loot and carry the locked chest without having to kill even a single giant.
Tips and Trivia[]
- Introduced in Beta v.1.9.3
- Changed and added new elements on layout in Beta v.1.9.4
- Storage/Chopper inside barn increase 5 to 10 slots in Beta v.1.9.4
- If you Damage the Ravager and leave the farm, it will completely Heal.
- Since Beta v.1.11.6, the bedroom door in the house requires the Burglar skill.
- Tip: Leave the area/zone if the Rotten Yokels from the hay started showing up because they will despawn in this strategy so you don't have to fight them.
- This version of Rotten Yokel have 80 HP so it's easy to distinguish between the regular one.
Credits: NOLIMITS Studio
Credits: RidoMeyer
FARM LOCATION Sneak Peek 2 (Update 1.9.3) - Last day on Earth- Survival
Credits: Element X - LDoE
1.9.2 SNEAK PEEK! NEW FARM LOCATION! Last Day on Earth Survival
Credits: Doomeris