Last Day on Earth: Survival Wiki
Last Day on Earth: Survival Wiki

A small fuel tank required for assembling a motorcycle. Nowadays can be found in Army bunkers
– In-game description


"A small fuel tank required for assembling a motorcycle. Nowadays can be found in Army bunkers"

The Chopper Gas Tank is a key item required for completing your Chopper.


The Chopper Gas Tank:


Chopper Gas Tank is used in the following:


  • "A small fuel tank required for assembling a motorcycle." - Old description
  • Drop rate was increased in version Beta v.1.6.10 to extremely rare.
  • Even after this update, the drop rate of Chopper Gas Tank was and still is very low but used to be harder to find.
  • Drop rate significantly increased as of Beta v.1.10.3 with the addition of Gas Station. The Gas Station added the option to exchange all the Chopper Parts for Mechanic's Boxes. Which contain Repair Kit (common), Blueprint "Custom Bike" (common), Blueprint "Military Motorcycle" (rare), Blueprint "Police Bike" (rare, but will only have a chance to appear in a Mechanic's Box after 99 waves of zombies is completed at Blackport PD)
  • There was a period of time when Gas Tank could be found in Bunker Alfa's 3rd floor but this was removed in an update.
  • The Chopper Gas Tank will get an increased drop rate for every red-coupon crate in which you don’t obtain one.