Last Day on Earth: Survival Wiki
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Bunker Alfa is one of several Army bunkers that can be found on the Global Map. It consists of a separate ground-floor level and four sublevel portions that can be accessed via passcode (obtainable from dead soldiers in resource areas or with CB Radio). The underground floors can be quite difficult to survive for lower-leveled players, and it is a good idea to bring decent armor and weapons to these floors. This is doubly true for hard mode.


Bunker Alpha Description

Despite the risk, venturing into the bunker's lower levels can be quite lucrative for those who are capable of surviving its dangers. In addition to giving access to loot-filled reward chests, the bunker also offers a method of modifying firearms to make them stronger.


There are several features unique to Bunker Alfa, such as modified zombies, Turrets, the Coupon Exchange system, and special objects or rooms.


Unlike their counterparts outside the bunker, some of the zombies in the sublevels have unique traits. Most notably, they do not use special attacks, and they have altered (usually reduced) sight ranges, including attacking the player in groups if one is alerted. They also do more damage than zombies outside the bunker.

Infrastructure and Security

  • Electrified Fence: This does damage to the player at a very high rate when in contact. 5 damages dealt, but high rate, and could be also kill you in 1 second! Found only on floor 3.
  • Elevator: This allows movement to other floors. Each floor loads as a separate zone.
  • Generator: (Nonfunctional in current versions, and may change in the future update) In previous versions, activating generators was necessary to provide power for access to lower sublevel floors.

It will take time to restore electricity supply to
lower floors. When the generator works at its
full capacity, you'll be able to get there in the
elevator. - 4th floor generator message

  • Laser Tripwire Alarm: Crossing these lasers sounds an alarm that alerts a group of nearby enemies to the player's presence. Can be turn off using Terminal
  • Terminals: Accessing computer terminals performs various actions such as remotely opening doors or turning off laser tripwire alarms.
  • Turret: An automated turret attacks the player once in range. It has 250 HP, a 360-degree attack radius, and range approximately equivalent to the Glock 17. Turrets have an armor rating that reduces incoming damage by half. These turrets do not attack zombies, but shoot you.
  • Heavy turret: Appears on 4th floor only. It has 500 HP, a 360-degree attack radius, an armor rating that reduces incoming damage, and range approximately equivalent to the normal turret. Heavy turrets not only shoot but also launch grenades (like the Milkor MGL) at you. These turrets do not attack zombies.

Other Hazards

  • Gas Chamber: This is a room entirely filled with poisonous gas. The gas does damage to the player at a very high rate unless they are equipped with a Gas Mask (which absorbs damage while exposed to gas, but break if used in long time).
  • Gas Leaking from Pipes: Some areas contain gas bursting from pipes. This gas does damage to the player at a very high rate. Depending on the location, some pipes can be shut off from a source valve, or the gas may only leak at periodic intervals and can be passed if timed properly. Additionally, the Gas Mask can be equipped to protect the player from damage, as in the Gas Chamber. Zombies are immune to the effects of gas.
  • Gore: Gore is usually indicated by a red-colored area on the Minimap. The effect on the player is to reduce their movement speed while in these areas by approximately half; zombies are unaffected. Additionally, in halls with arms protruding from walls, contact with the arms will cause 3 damage to the player. These arms do not damage armor.

Upper Level

Bunker Alfa

The outside area of the main level contains 17 Pine Trees and a lootable corpse with a half-used Glock 17 in its inventory. First-time access to the Bunker's interior requires a CAC Card A, which is possible to be acquired from loot or enemies at various zones on the Global Map. After using the access card, this area will remain unlocked permanently.

With update Beta v.1.8, a minigun drop was added in a cage against the exterior wall of Alfa, only accessible with a Rank IV True Friend dog.

Inside, there are no zombies but several lockers containing useful Items. These items on the upper level do not reset. While this prevents returning for new loot, it allows the area to function as a storage location separate from the player's home. There are seven separate Military lockers with 20 slots.


Screenshot 2018-07-26-17-01-26

To access the sublevels of Bunker Alfa, a passcode must be entered into the computer terminal in the main building on the ground floor. This passcode changes every two days and must be manually entered every time the bunker resets (48 hours after it was last opened). The code is shared between all players on a particular operating system (Android and iOS users have different codes) and can be found at the following locations:

  • CB Radio: This furniture can be built in your home base, and an exclamation point "!" icon or a number "2"/"3" (Dependent if you have the Raider and/or the Dealer Joe on the radio) will appear over it to notify you of a new daily code. Tune it to the correct frequency to view the new code. After 2 days, the door closed, and it uses the new codes.
  • Dead Soldier: This corpse can be found in resource zones and appears as a red "X" on the Minimap in those zones. Upon looting this corpse, a dialogue box will appear with the current code. These soldiers do not have any items.

Bunker codes for September:

September 01-02: 60823
September 03-04: 09304
September 05-06: 94701
September 07-08: 48363
September 09-10: 83398
September 11-12: 37275
September 13-14: 73026
September 15-16: 33037
September 17-18: 32643
September 19-20: 20915
September 21-22: 00732
September 23-24: 06288
September 25-26: 69354
September 27-28: 97462
September 29-30: 72175

Or you can get the daily code using an android application(LDOE code) from google play which retrieve the code from the following table.

Bunker Alfa Codes (Year 2019)

Bunker Alpha Codes 2019
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 20933 31968 46624 84129 09166 65996 76498 48046 60823
2 01291 31968 46624 48038 98575 65996 76498 89200 60823
3 01291 11900 68478 48038 98575 55352 62229 89200 09304
4 18621 11900 68478 80990 80255 55352 62229 94199 09304
5 18621 10756 80490 80990 80255 51490 20654 94199 94701
6 89990 10756 80490 01951 01821 51490 20654 40674 94701
7 89990 09594 06801 01951 01821 19314 04590 40674 48363
8 92979 09594 06801 10135 15229 19314 04590 02848 48363
9 92979 99704 64010 10135 15229 93052 42162 02848 83398
10 26349 99704 64010 09272 52683 93052 42162 21433 83398
11 26349 97648 44279 09272 52683 34926 26991 21433 37275
12 69977 97648 44279 99308 28744 34926 26991 16047 37275
13 69977 75060 48789 99308 28744 43575 65246 16047 73026
14 99235 75060 48789 91992 82563 43575 65246 68963 73026
15 99235 57582 80941 91992 82563 30961 51588 68963 33037
16 93917 57582 80941 12586 26250 30961 51588 84703 33037
17 93917 76907 02082 12586 26250 09129 19994 84703 32643
18 39716 76907 02082 23307 67259 09129 19994 40492 32643
19 39716 60069 27103 23307 67259 95502 92640 40492 20915
20 92400 60069 27103 39715 75815 95502 92640 09340 20915
21 92400 05440 79719 39715 75815 59245 25909 09340 00732
22 29795 05440 79719 95052 52499 59245 25909 97480 00732
23 29795 59641 90805 95052 52499 91729 59427 97480 06288
24 97399 59641 90805 53922 22631 91729 59427 74636 06288
25 97399 90887 01493 53922 22631 15666 96814 74636 69354
26 74170 90887 01493 37888 28545 15666 96814 43079 69354
27 74170 04008 17897 37888 28545 52259 69963 43079 97462
28 47154 04008 17897 70024 84532 52259 69963 34937 97462
29 47154 -- 78010 70024 84532 27014 94484 34937 72175
30 73076 -- 78010 09166 46107 27014 94484 46432 72175
31 73076 -- 84129 -- 46107 -- 48046 46432 -- --

Bunker Alfa Codes (Year 2018)

Bunker Alpha Codes 2018
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 54927 27034 98754 41992 02868 88727 57743 32631 11304 34857 75548 28690
2 54927 78290 84841 41992 02868 80004 74652 32631 18748 48515 75548 28690
3 43908 78290 84841 18314 24710 80004 74652 29858 18748 48515 52901 81481
4 43908 81537 40948 18314 24710 08642 42279 29858 82020 80402 52901 81481
5 30831 81537 40948 82969 49468 08642 42279 96462 82020 80402 27272 12848
6 30831 10288 07462 82969 49468 87437 27406 96462 23808 08957 27272 12848
7 09960 10288 07462 29068 98627 87437 27406 66043 23808 08957 75386 26709
8 09960 02139 78329 29068 98627 70006 76486 66043 37085 85025 75386 26709
9 99822 02139 78329 93547 87210 70006 76486 68037 37085 85025 59224 64492
10 99822 25394 89533 93547 87210 06262 62498 68037 70004 54529 59224 64492
11 98215 25394 89533 39934 74626 06262 62498 84310 70004 54529 92408 48926
12 98215 52983 94489 39934 74626 64054 24544 84310 08439 49182 92408 48926
13 89022 52983 94489 90106 46184 64054 24544 40518 08439 49182 23027 87829
14 89022 21345 43440 90106 46184 40474 44730 40518 80240 90073 23027 87829
15 98371 21345 43440 05622 62680 40474 44730 00610 80240 90073 32784 74409
16 98371 13804 35615 05622 62680 02344 44020 00610 00085 05552 32784 74409
17 82683 13804 35615 59646 26202 02344 44020 03480 00085 05552 24819 49013
18 82683 39374 54289 59646 26202 20025 45893 03480 04801 51224 24819 49013
19 20219 39374 54289 91491 61180 20025 45893 35324 04801 51224 40228 98989
20 20219 93986 44321 91491 61180 04677 57965 35324 42080 10270 40228 98989
21 03103 93986 44321 16386 16274 04677 57965 56132 42080 10270 07064 84292
22 03103 38892 46896 16386 16274 43560 70466 56132 20355 05857 07064 84292
23 36228 38892 46896 66072 62803 43560 70466 64170 20355 05857 78240 40229
24 36228 83443 62436 66072 62803 30728 08384 64170 08442 52798 78240 40229
25 62753 83443 62436 64241 21860 30728 08384 43108 08442 52798 82889 09067
26 62753 39038 23194 64241 21860 06449 89243 43108 80892 22522 82889 09067
27 21829 39038 23194 43462 12046 06449 89243 31880 80892 22522 20172 92194
28 21829 98754 38803 43462 12046 65244 94901 31880 03008 28230 20172 92194
29 12118 -- 38803 30928 28805 65244 94901 11203 03008 28230 02241 22897
30 12118 -- 84250 30928 28805 57743 43601 11203 34857 87722 02241 22897
31 27034 -- 84250 -- 88727 -- 43601 11304 -- 87722 -- 20933

Bunker Alfa Codes (Year 2017)

Bunker Alpha Codes 2017
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 67521 77649 72748 78492 22785
2 71231 77649 72748 82576 26714
3 11256 70017 24342 82576 26714
4 15754 70017 24342 28894 64883
5 52520 70017 43438 28894 64883
6 22295 01533 43438 84017 47490
7 27328 01533 37464 84017 47490
8 75517 01533 37464 45577 77779
9 52515 16986 73425 45577 77779
10 23266 16986 73425 58968 78859
11 35941 16986 34488 58968 78859
12 55208 60282 34488 80724 84188
13 52151 60282 44470 80724 84188
14 29181 60282 44470 05927 47859
15 92673 05499 44385 05927 47859
16 21453 05499 44385 59168 78948
17 11067 05499 44629 59168 78948
18 16517 59110 44629 97741 81732
19 64887 59110 44287 97741 81732
20 40719 59110 44287 79678 18500
21 05517 92392 43849 79678 18500
22 58630 92392 43849 91279 89893
23 87138 92392 36751 91279 89893
24 07275 75874 24872 36751 17287 97596
25 77612 56178 24872 62887 17287 97596
26 70413 61178 24872 62887 76645 75482
27 02555 82099 41832 28206 76645 75482
28 26625 27121 40448 28206 62478 58391
29 -- 64722 11701 07347 87852 62478 58391
30 -- 45179 27121 07347 87852 22785 85082
31 -- -- -- 56152 77649 -- 78492 -- 85082

  • Note: lower floors only acessible since Beta v.1.5 July 24, 2017
  • Bunker Alfa's Code Chart(s) is color coded:
    • Gray= N/A
      • For funtionality purposes, there will only be Gray

"More Power" Error Message

On some mobile devices, if you attempt to input the passcode into the bunker's terminal, you will receive the following error message: "It seems that the device needs more power." This means the mobile device on which you are playing the game does not meet the minimum specifications to handle the lower levels of the bunker. Although recent optimizations will reduce the number of players who see this message, for some players, it may be time for an upgrade!


The sublevels portion of the Bunker functions differently from the ground floor. A unique code, which changes every day, is required for access to the underground. Once the terminal is activated, an entrance appears and a unique instance of the sublevels is created which lasts for 48 hours (from the time of opening) before reset.

During this period, all progress is saved including enemies killed, items looted, and the corpse of the last player death. Upon reset, the sublevels can be revisited with a new code. All enemies will have respawned and items will be reset. As of version Beta v.1.5.6, the primary method of obtaining the most valuable Items is via a coupon-exchange system.

Floor 1 - Lobby

The first sublevel serves as a "lobby" area and contains several features related to the lower areas of the bunker. A notable feature of this floor is the Coupon Exchange terminals, which can be used to obtain loot-filled reward crates. There is also an Army Specialist who can be rescued at the end of the second sublevel and will return to the lobby and unlock the Overseer Room, where he will offer several benefits to the player. 6 zombies spawn here (5 Fast Biters and a Floater Bloater)

Locked door: The stuck door near the green coupon crate distribution gate became a doggy door (A dog with the skill True Friend is required) with update Beta v.1.7.9. However, this was removed with the update Beta v.1.8. Since Beta v.1.9.8 you can open this door by using a Cut Finger.

Coupon Exchange: Coupons for the reward terminals can be found on the corpses of defeated Creatures and from boxes/lockers in the bunker. Additionally, coupons have a low chance of being found outside the bunker (red zones, airdrop events).

Rationing Terminal

Rationing Terminal (16 items): 20 green coupons are required for each Ration Box. Each Ration Box has a chance of containing food, weapons, parts, medicine, resources, and simple protective clothing but may contain none of them.

Survival Kit Terminal

Survival Kit Terminal (17-20 items): 25 yellow coupons are required for each Survival Kit. Each survival kit has a chance of containing guns, vehicle parts, medicines, refined resources, military clothing, and gasoline but may contain none of them.

Combat Gear Terminal

Combat Gear Terminal (26-29 items): 30 red coupons are required for each Combat Gear Box. Each Combat Gear Box (by far the best in terms of gear) has a chance of containing modified weapons, heavy firearms, vehicle parts, high-grade military gear, coloring patterns, rare resources, and Gasoline (But the Gasoline is rare in the Combat Gear Box).

Overseer Room

  • The bunker's Hard Mode can be activated in this room. This is not recommended for inexperienced or under-geared players.
  • The Specialist will accept Identification tags, Chevrons, and Military Notebooks (can be obtained when killing zombie when hard mode is activated), rewarding the player with reputation, which unlocks new weapons, firearm modifications, and Floppy Disks.
  • Each level of Reputation requires 140 points; Identification tags are 1 point, Chevrons are 2 points, and Military Notebooks are 3 points.
  • The Specialist will get Blueprint exchange Weapon mod blueprints get common modifications, rare modifications, extremely rare modifications, extremely rare mod with active skill.
  • The Tactical Terminal uses the Floppy with coordinates to give the location of a valuable loot crate or an Infected Box (creating a new, limited-time event on the Global Map).

Floor 2

Notable features on Floor 2 include gas leaking from pipes (some of which can be shut off by a valve), gore areas, a terminal-controlled door, a turret, and Frenzied Giants, among other enemies. There is also The Big One locked in a lab on F2, but he can only pace from side to side--he cannot attack. Added in Beta v.1.9, a Weapon Modification Spot, you can modify your weapons without having to go back to your base.

B2F = 8 Roaming Zombies, 13 Fast Biters, 5 Toxic Spitters, 8 Floater Bloaters, 5 Toxic Abominations, 7 Frenzied Giants, 1 Turret

Floor 3

Notable features on Floor 3 include an electrified fence, a gas chamber, gas leaking from pipes, a generator was removed in Beta v.1.7.9, a gore area, terminal-controlled doors and laser tripwire alarm, and a turret. Additionally, the Acid Bath blueprint can be learned from a drafting table in one of the final rooms.

B3F = 4 Fast Biters, 25 Toxic Spitters, 1 Floater Bloater, 16 Toxic Abominations, 10 Frenzied Giants, 1 Turret

Floor 4

Notable features on Floor 4 include 3 cold rooms (2 of which contain a new type of indestructible spike mine trap (8 total), 2 terminals, 1 generator, and 2 doggy doors (A dog with the skill True Friend is required). Loot on this floor may include copper ore and bars or steel, as well as turret parts.

B4F = 7 Fast Biters, 6 Toxic Spitters, 1 Floater Bloater, 5 Toxic Abominations, 3 Frenzied Giants, 3 Turrets, 3 Heavy Turrets, 7 Numb Zombies, 3 Frozen Bloaters, 8 Spike Mines


Bunker Alfa Map (Floor 2) Beta v.1.8.5+

179 normal 2

Credits: Doomeris

Bunker Alfa Map (Floor 3) Beta v.1.8.5+

185 normal 3

Credits: Doomeris

Bunker Alfa Map (Floor 4) Beta v.1.8.5+

185 normal 4

Credits: Doomeris

Sublevels - Hard Mode

Following the activation of hard mode in Bunker Alfa, an alarm sounds and the lights strobe red. While hard mode is active, creatures generally drop reputation items instead of coupons, with similar values and frequencies. During hard mode, creatures hit harder and have higher defense against attacks. There are also some creatures that only appear in Bunker Alfa during hard mode. (Also applied to Turret, which does more damage.)

Floor 1 - Lobby - Hard Mode

The lobby is unchanged after hard mode is activated; neither creatures nor crates reset. Hard mode activation is irreversible until the code activation of the entire subterranean complex expires at the end of its two-day window. After the bunker fully resets, it will return to normal mode when the new code is entered.

Floor 2 - Hard Mode

Notable features on Floor 2 during hard mode include all the security and infrastructure features of normal mode, plus buffed zombies, some Toxic Abominations replaced by Exploders, and high-speed Frenzied Giants. There is also The Big One locked in a science lab on Floor 2, but he can only pace from side to side--he cannot attack.

B2F = 8 Roaming Zombies, 13 Fast Biters, 5 Toxic Spitters, 8 Floater Bloaters, 2 Toxic Abominations, 3 Exploders, 7 Frenzied Giants, 1 Turret

Floor 3 - Hard Mode

Notable features on Floor 3 during hard mode include all the security and infrastructure features of normal mode, plus buffed zombies, some Toxic Abominations replaced by Exploders, high-speed Frenzied Giants, and The Blind One. The Blind One is located in an outer room with an activation console and hanged scientist After entering the room the door closes since version Beta v.1.10.

B3F = 4 Fast Biters, 25 Toxic Spitters, 1 Floater Bloater, 4 Toxic Abominations, 12 Exploders, 10 Frenzied Giants, 1 The Blind One, 1 Turret

Floor 4 - Hard Mode

Notable features on Floor 4 during hard mode include all the security and infrastructure features of normal mode, plus buffed zombies, some Toxic Abominations replaced by Exploders, and high-speed Frenzied Giants.

The cafeteria and starting room areas are the best and most likely only places (excluding the soon-to-come doggy-door zones) where it is easy to kite around Exploders, Frozen Bloaters, and Frenzied Giants. Take advantage of these rooms to make it as easy as possible to kill them.

B4F = 7 Fast Biters, 6 Toxic Spitters, 1 Floater Bloater, 2 Toxic Abominations, 3 Exploders, 3 Frenzied Giants, 3 Turrets, 3 Heavy Turrets, 7 Numb Zombies, 3 Frozen Bloaters, 8 Spike Mines

Maps - Hard Mode

Bunker Alfa Map (Floor 2) Beta v.1.8.5+

179 hardmode 2

Credits: Doomeris

Bunker Alfa Map (Floor 3) Beta v.1.8.5+

185 hardmode 3

Credits: Doomeris

Bunker Alfa Map (Floor 4) Beta v.1.8.5+

185 hardmode 4

Credits: Doomeris


For any questions/comments regarding these guides, please contact the content creators directly.

Video Walkthroughs

Bunker Alfa Floor Completion Videos (1.11.6)



Credits: Doomeris


  • Sublevels were first introduced in Beta v.1.5.
  • In previous versions, some Items were required to repair various terminals and generators to progress through the sublevels.
  • As of Beta v.1.6, you can no longer find a CAC Card A on the corpse near the Bunker Alfa door.
  • Floor 4 introduced in Beta v.1.7.9.
  • Changed it pointer from the yellow to red on Global Map in Beta v.1.14

